Jörn Mildner

Specialised lawyer for medical law

Born in 1972

1992 – 1997
Study of law at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz

1997 – 1999
Trainee lawyer in the Higher Regional Court district of Koblenz as well as professional stints in San Francisco, Mainz and Wiesbaden and one term studying at the University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer

Admission to the bar in September 1999
Authorised for all local and regional courts as well as higher regional courts throughout Germany

July 1999 – June 2002
Worked for a notary’s office in Wiesbaden

Joined law firm Kern – Rechtsanwälte

Training in medical law with the German Lawyers’ Academy (Deutsche Anwaltsakademie)

Obtained the title of Specialist Medical Solicitor


German Bar Association

Working group »Medical Law« of the German Bar Association