Contract / corporate law

Contracts govern the relationships between people, companies and states in a number of ways. They are an expression of the freedom of scope. As such they are heavily influenced by individual wishes and situations. This applies in particular to a special form of contract law, namely corporate law.

The most prominent characteristic of any contractual agreement and relationship is its permanence, i.e. the fact that it wants to govern a long-term relationship between two or more contractual partners. For this reason, conflicts should be prevented, a goal which can only be achieved if the contractual provisions are balanced. This, however, is only the case if the respective interests of each contractual party are taken into account appropriately.

We support our clients both in drafting agreements and – in and out of court – in conflicts arising from a concluded contract. Balancing our clients’ individual goals and wishes with those of the contractual partner affected will always be the most important basis for our advice as this is the only way to achieve a balanced result which can then be the basis of a long-term arrangement free from any conflicts.

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